I am not currently consulting as I have a full time role.

But when I did, I split my services into three areas: consulting, work-shopping and prototyping.

Product consulting

Based on my extensive product management experience, I can work with you on a long-term or short-term basis to get your product team focused and effective.

I’ll identify problems, present solutions and help you implement them.

One day workshops

If you need a short-term product fix, I can run a one-day workshop to:

    • define & refine the problem you’re trying to solve
    • discuss the opportunities and potential ways forward
    • decide where to focus your efforts.

Prototyping ideas

I love getting my hands dirty at the ideas stage. There’s always a quick way to test a proposition without going to the expense of building it. I can help you:

    • test your business model & validate your business idea
    • manage ‘design sprint’ style ideation efforts
    • shape an MVP (minimum viable product).

Sound like what you need?

Sorry I can’t help now, but do get in touch and I can recommend someone else.